We're happy to announce that WODS will be hosting our Annual General Meeting on June 1, 2021.
Date: Tuesday, 1 June 2021
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm
Location: Your place (on Zoom; link and password will be sent to those who RSVP)
The Annual General Meeting agenda will be as follows: 
  • Presentation of the 2021 Budget
    • Motion to approve the 2021 Budget
  • Election of the Board of Directors 
  • Update from the Board of Directors 
Those interested in joining the board can send their nominations to Micah, our Communications Director, at communications@wods.ca. Nominations may be accepted during the meeting; however, due to the election taking place electronically, it is preferred that all nominations are provided and verified in advance of the AGM. All nominees will be given one minute to address the members at the meeting if they choose. Nominees will be elected to the Board of Directors, and then specific roles will be appointed from those that are successfully elected at the first meeting of the new Board. We are particularly looking for those who have experience with finances. You can review the positions and their responsibilities here. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Justin (secretary@wods.ca) or Kristen (ed@wods.ca).
Because handling voting in a remote meeting will present some additional challenges, we require each member to RSVP your attendance to the meeting. You can RSVP to the AGM by emailing secretary@wods.ca or filling out this form: https://forms.gle/wCwxjENA8pZC1hwn8
In addition to the general meeting, we will be hosting a social event for the community after the meeting. We will follow-up with more details about the social component, but we hear there might be prizes and WODS’ swag. 
Members who are not able to attend the Annual General Meeting can appoint a proxy to exercise their voting right. To do so, please complete the proxy form (which can be downloaded here) and send it to secretary@wods.ca no later than May 30, 7pm. Proxy forms delivered by other means or after this deadline will not be accepted. Proxies must be a member of WODS and will be declared at the beginning of the meeting by the WODS Secretary.