Rules may be modified with the approval of both team captains prior to the start of the game (provided the modifications do not pose a safety concern). Any disagreements on the applications of the rules which can not be settled by the players involved should be should be settled by the team captains. Requests for clarifications and/or changes to the rules listed below should be directed to the League Coordinator or to the Leagues Director.

Winter League


UPA 11th edition rules with the following exceptions:

  • Following a goal, the opposite end zone will be considered out of bounds. Upon the completion of one throw by the offense, normal boundary designations resume (ie completed throws from end zone to end zone following immediately after a goal result in a turnover).

Courtesy of the Association De Ultimate De Montreal (

  • Games are timed to 50 minutes (2 halves of 25 min) with an additional 3-minute half-time. The end of a game is determined by time, not by the score. Games can end even if the score is tied.
    • Games end immediately (all play stops) at time cap.
  • The 10-second stall count is replaced by an 8-second stall count. In every situation where the stall count usually goes back to 5 (ex. contested foul), the stall count will go back to 4.
  • There is no pull after a point. When a team scores, the player who has possession of the disc PLACES IT GENTLY on the ground at the first point of contact where the goal was scored. Also, the player acknowledges that he/she has scored a goal by raising the disc over his/her head. The offensive team has 8 seconds to take possession of the disc and cannot walk the disc up to the front of the goal line. They must put the disc into play from the first point of contact where the goal was scored. When the offensive team takes possession of the disc, the defensive team may initiate a stall count on 0 (as in every other situation, the player on defense must be within 3 metres to initiate a stall count). If the team on offense does not take possession of the disc within the time allotted (8 seconds) they will be assessed a timeout. If they have no timeouts left, the defensive team gains possession of the disc on the goal line.
  • Players sub on the fly. Each player exiting the field must “high five” the player who will be replacing her before she can exit the field, and the player entering the field cannot do so until she has “high fived” the player exiting the field. This obviously does not apply during injury substitutions. If a substitution results in too many players, of either gender, on the field, the result is an automatic turnover and the defensive team takes possession of the disc at the area of the stoppage of play due to the violation.
  • If a pull lands out of bounds, a brick may be taken to the middle point of the front line of the end zone. If the pull lands in bounds, it will be played from where it lands. If a pull lands in bounds and rolls out, it will be played from the closest point on the field (including the end zone) to where it rolled out.
  • If a team gains possession in the end zone which it is defending following a turnover, the player taking possession may bring the disc to the front of the end zone. If the player who picks up the disc establishes a pivot foot, however, he/she may not then decide to walk the disc up to the front, as per UPA 11th Edition rules.
  • Two 30-second timeouts are allowed per game. Regardless of how many timeouts a team has, no team is allowed to call time outs in the last 5 minutes of the game. A team will suffer a loss of possession of the disc if they call a timeout when they have already used their 2 available timeouts. Injury substitutions do not constitute a timeout.
  • If a team is not ready to play at the official start time the other team may immediately assess 1 point if they have all their players on the line ready to play. They may assess an additional point at 2 minute intervals.
  • To be legal, a team must have at least 3 players on the playing surface, although, they cannot have more than 3 men at the same time.



USA Ultimate 11th Edition Rules with the following exceptions (courtesy of OCUA,

  • Games are played by teams of 4 on the field with a gender ratio of 2/2.
  • The 10-second stall count is replaced by an 8-second stall count. In every situation where the stall count usually goes back to 5 (ex. contested foul), the stall count will go back to 4.
  • Team on offense decides which ratio will be used for that point.
  • The playing field size is a rectangle shape measuring 18m x 30m. Endzones are 3m deep.
  • Generally three 4v4 fields can be setup in one typical indoor Ultimate field.
  • Only 2 pulls every game: at the beginning of the game and after halftime. Each team pulls once.
  • Brick mark is set at 2m in front of the endzone line.
  • After a point is scored, the disc is left in the endzone at the spot in which it was caught. Play restarts in that same endzone (i.e., no pull after every point). The team that was scored upon checks the disc in play once the defence is ready.
  • Maximum 30 second delay between points. Play resumes when either:
    • 30 seconds have elapsed, or
    • Both teams are ready through a check.
  • If 25 seconds elapses and the offense has not put the disc in play, then defense warns the offense and counts down from 5, after '1' has been said aloud the defense may begin to count stalls. If 25 seconds have elapsed and the defense is not ready, then the offense warns the defense and begins to count down from 5. After '1' has been said aloud, the offense may put the disc into play.
  • Players may only sub on and off the field between points or from an injury timeout.
  • 3-minute halftime at the scheduled midpoint of the game.
  • Teams switch sides at the half.
  • Teams have 1 timeout per half.
  • A timeout lasts 60 seconds; a timeout cannot be called in the last 5 minutes of the game.
    • If a timeout is called in the last 5 minutes, a turnover ensues. Before a game begins, the Captains should agree on a time piece if a clock is not easily visible from the playing field.
  • Games end at the end time (hard stop, the point is not finished), even if it's tied.


Summer League

UPA 11th edition rules with the following specifications:

  • Games are to 15.
  • By default, foot blocks are allowed unless a captain from either team requests that they be removed.
  • Soft cap will be applied at 1 hour and 50 minutes of play.
  • Hard cap is applied at the scheduled end of play (typically 8:30 pm) or at nightfall, which ever comes first.
  • In reference to the UPA 11th edition rules VIII.A.1 (Start of game),

“Representatives of the two teams fairly determine which team chooses to
a) receive or throw the initial pull; or
b) which end zone they wish to initially defend.”

The “fair determining” method (FDM) will be a tally of the number of motorized vehicles used to get to the game by either team (electric scooters and gas vehicles which get over 80 mpg count as half a vehicle.) The team with the lowest tally chooses first. This replaces the traditional disc flip or rock paper scissors determination methods.



Rules are at the discretion of the tournament coordinator and will be specified in the tournament description but are typically the UPA 11th edition rules.


Fall League

UPA 11th edition rules with the following exceptions and specifications:

  • Foot blocks are permitted by default but may be removed from the game if requested by the captain of either team.


Gender Ratios

Starting in Summer 2019, all mixed 7v7 leagues in WODS will play using the gender ratio rule known as "Rule A." Many Ultimate leagues across Canada and the world are adopting this rule in order to give those that identify as female more opportunities to play Ultimate and to facilitate equal playing time among genders.

From the WFDF rule book:

A7.2. Ratio Rule A (“prescribed ratio” rule): A7.2.1. At the start of the game, after the first disc flip, an additional disc flip happens with the winner selecting the gender ratio for the first point. For the second and third points the ratio must be the reverse of the first point. For the fourth and fifth points the ratio must be same as the first point. This pattern of alternating the ratio every two points repeats until the end of the game (half time has no impact on the pattern).

Although it's not explicitly stated in the rule, the ratio that you choose is either 3:4 or 4:3 (women:open)

This rule is also sometimes described as "ABBA," where A = 3:4 and B = 4:3.  First point you play is A, second is B, third B, fourth A, repeat (ABBA ABBA ABBA ABBA... until The Winner Takes it All... in Waterloo... Mamma Mia!).  


If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at