Each category is ranked between 0 and 2 with the final score as the sum of all categories.

poor = 0      average = 1      exceptional = 2

As a guideline, the average of the scores you give out over the season should be around 8 to 10 and scores of 16 should be reserved for the very best spirited game you will have all season. The descriptions for each category below are guidelines, not check-lists.

  • Respect
    • They communicated objectively and without aggressive language. They were willing to believe calls were made in good faith. Were on time. Kept to time limits for discussions, time-outs, between points, etc.
  • Fair-Mindedness
    • Players pointed out their own fouls. They corrected their own team player calls. In an important situation they admitted that the opponent was probably right. Avoided frequently calling non-obvious travels and picks
  • Positive Attitude
    • They introduced themselves to the opponent. They complimented the opponent for good plays. Left a positive impression in an after-the-game Spirit Circle, etc.
  • Emotional Management
    • Their reaction towards disagreements, successes, and mistakes was appropriately mature
  • Avoiding Body Contact
    • They were aware of other players’ body location and movement and avoided dangerous plays
  • Avoiding Violations and Fouls
    • They tried to avoid fouls and violations. Their marks were legal. They did not commit off side violations, etc.
  • Knowledge of the Rules
    • They knew the rules and/or had the willingness to learn and teach them. They did not make unjustified calls
  • Encouraging Enjoyment of the Game
    • They played the game in a way that made the game enjoyable for all those involved.

Adapted from the WFDF and BULA Spirit of the Game Rating System.