Please send an incident report to our Leagues Director to let us know about any unusual incidents which occurred in conjunction with your game. In particular, you should report poor field conditions, injuries, dangerous play, fights, instructions from facility staff, and the use of our fields by non-WODS organizations.

In your incident report, please include the following:

  • On what date did the incident take place?
  • Where (park & field) did the incident occur?
  • Your name, team name, opposing team name, and contact information.
  • The type of incident such as injury, field problem, spirit problem or other unsportsmanlike conduct
  • 0ther issue (please specify)
  • Please provide as much detail as possible about the incident, the action taken at the time, and any other applicable details.

You should receive a reply from the League Coordinator to notify you that the report has been received and what further action will be taken.